

Hi! I’m Mr. Wrong.

I am a passionate woodworker with a solid attention to detail, a sharp sense of humor, and a wife who is quick to point out whenever I’m doing something wrong (which is apparently all the time).

Folding laundry… “You’re doing it wrong!”

Making a sandwich… “You’re doing it wrong!”

Driving the car… “You’re doing it wrong!”

Watching TV… “You’re doing it wrong!”

Or even when I’m building things in the shop… “You’re… doing… it… WRONG!”

At this point, you’re probably starting to understand where the name Doing It Wrong Woodshop came from.

So, welcome to DIWWS. Join Mrs. Wrong and me as we work (Well, while I work and she “Supervises.”) to provide you with incredible, high-quality hand-made pieces that you will love and cherish for years.

Now hand me that hammer, I’ve got some boards to cut!

— Mr. Wrong
